La guía más grande Para marc anthony y nadia ferreira terminaron

La guía más grande Para marc anthony y nadia ferreira terminaron

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The Paraguayan shared a photo from the vehicle that transported them, adding a fire emoji: “Ready for the @latinamas.”

The couple tied the knot while numerous celebrities witnessed their incredible wedding held at the Pérez Art Museum in Miami.

Marc was one of the artists who performed at the Latin American Music Awards. The singer presented his new song, Ale-Ale, live for the first time, and towards the end of his explosive performance, the performer winked at his wife, who was watching the show from the front row.

At around 7:30 pm, this January 28th, Marc Anthony and Nadia Ferreira declared their love and said their I do’s, fulfilling their engagement promises made in May last year. Holding hands and staring into each other’s eyes, the couple listened attentively to the wedding officiant, Francis X.

Besos de todos nosotros", le ha dicho la diseñadora de moda. Cerca de recapacitar que ambas son grandes amigas desde hace aunque tiempo, y recientemente estuvieron juntas durante la gran fiesta que hizo en Londres la excomponente de la Spice Girls para celebrar sus 50 primaveras.

El ‘glow-up’ que estabas esperando: este es el óleo que arrasa en TikTok y que adora Hailey Bieber Más sobre:

El primero en dejar un mensaje, fue el cantante de ‘Existir mi Vida’, quien compartió una nueva fotografía próximo a su Shakira en India novia a modo de ‘selfie’ en sus redes sociales, sumada a una tierna dedicatoria: “Feliz Aniversario MI Mukesh Ambani Aprecio!

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Five months ago, Marc Anthony and Nadia Ferreira announced their engagement, and their fans have been waiting anxiously to know all the details of their upcoming wedding. When the big day arrives, the salsa singer and the model have decided to become pawrents.

He also says yes to my kids insane plans like ‘let's spin Grandpa around in the round chair really fast.'"

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Trofeo Beckham also attended the wedding, and dedicated a special Instagram post to the newlywed couple. “Congratulations Mr. conciertos privados and Mrs. Muniz!!! We love you both so much and it was such an honor to be part of your special day and celebrate your love!

Actualmente la diferencia de edad entre Nadia Ferreira y Marc Anthony es suficiente amplia todavía luego que la muchacha tiene 23 abriles y el cantante esta próximo a cumplir 60 años de edad. Esto ha despertado los comentarios de muchos usuarios que creen que la conducta de la joven respecto a los hombres mayores no es del todo ordinario.

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